Academic research
“Development of a Flight-Scale TESSERAE Habitat Concept for Biotechnology Research Outpost Applications,” A. Rollock, M. Pommier, W. O’Hara, A. Ekblaw, 53rd International Conference on Environmental Systems 21-25 July 2024, Louisville, Kentucky
“Aurelia’s Horizon Program: An Educational Initiative that Combines Outreach, Access to Microgravity, and R&D,” DeLatte D., Hilgemann E., Ekblaw A., Auffinger S., AIAA 2024-0051 Session: Advancing Aerospace Education I, 2024.
Rollock, A., DeLatte, D., and Ekblaw, A., “A Methodology for the Systematic Review of Space Architecture Concepts,” 2023.52nd International Conference on Environmental Systems 16-20 July 2023, Calgary, Canada.
Reports, case studies, and white papers
“TESSERAE Orbital Case Study Executive Summary,” Rollock A., Pommier M., O’Hara W., Hilgemann E., DeLatte D., Sharma S., Ekblaw A., 2023.
Into the Anthropocosmos: A Whole Space Catalog from the MIT Space Exploration Initiative, by Ariel Ekblaw, MIT Press 2021.
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Aurelia Institute is a humanist group that cares about both the cutting-edge technical enablers and the cultural, philosophical under-pinnings for space exploration. Our position is that space exploration is not about escaping Earth. We’re building toward a better vision for humanity wherever we may be—on Earth, in orbit around it, and beyond.