Aurelia Academy Programming


Credit: Steve Boxall / ZERO-G


Alongside Academy courses and flight opportunities, the Aurelia team contributes to a number of education, outreach, and community building activities across academia, industry, and the arts. 

Learn more about how we engage with universities, industry partners, and other leaders in the space community.



University Ecosystem Collaborations

Aurelia team members lend their expertise through a growing number of university ecosystem collaborations, including at Yale, Stanford, University of Michigan, and MIT. These have included lecturing and mentoring classes that span genres from design to project management to business development. 

Interested in collaborating with Aurelia through your university program? Reach out at



Competitions & Challenges

Competitions have a long history of driving innovation in the space industry.

Humans in Space

Aurelia is proud to be a partner for Humans in Space, a call for innovative companies and research on the challenges of human life in space launched by Boryung. In 2023, Aurelia led the “Lifestyle in Space” focus area, where participants were challenged to imagine how humanity can both survive and thrive in space. Along with Boryung and Axiom Space, Aurelia co-hosted the Humans in Space Symposium, co-located at the AIAA’s ASCEND Space Conference.

Learn more.

Autodesk “Make it Resilient” Challenge

Autodesk's annual Make It Real program is a creative competition that encourages high school students to learn and use the design thinking, tools, and problem-solving needed to take on real challenges in construction and the built environment. The 2024 theme, Make It Resilient, challenges young people (ages 13-21) to design a habitat for an extreme environment. 

Aurelia Institute has provided a starter model from which contest participants can build their designs, based on our TESSERAE Pavilion. An Aurelia team member will also serve as a judge in the competition.

Learn more.


Corporate Trainings & Consulting

For the growing number of interested companies from outside the space industry, the Aurelia team offers corporate training to make zero gravity flight experiences and orbital payloads more successful, and tailored webinars to learn more about how innovative space technology will affect your business. We support a wide range of consulting and advising for companies looking to newly develop or enhance their space strategy and have worked with groups ranging from Harvard Business School, to YPO and Fortune 500 companies. 

To engage the Aurelia team with a training or consulting request, email